Friday, April 4, 2014

Because Children Deserve Better

World Vision, a massive organization that is based on Christian values first announced that they would be allowing people who identify as LGBTQ to work for their ministry, 48hrs later after the loss of over 10,000 sponsorships they reversed this decision.

10,000 children lost the access to clothes, food, and educations because of a political stance. People this is not love.

I really have nothing more to say, what I have to say comes from a deep well of anger, and I am not interested in spewing any of this at you.

I will say this, if you support gay marriage, or if you are gay would you consider sponsoring a child or two that was dropped due to this controversy?

Let’s flood World Vision with requests for sponsorship from people who support gay marriage and are gay, because no matter their political stance people these children matter, so let’s support the children because that is love.

Let’s fight for our right to love freely by loving these kids freely.

If you know of any groups who could make this bigger than I ever could please do, children do not deserve to be the casualties of this issue. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Small Protest Against Hate and A Push for Love Instead

Chick-Fil-A has become my new favorite hangout. Not too far from school, not too far from my counselor, not too far from anything in this little town which is 45 min away from my home. The coffee is decent, (although my standards have plummeted since drinking Folgers on a daily basis in EMS) and the food is lovely. If I'm honest though, I come here because I am gay, and they disagree with me.

 Call me what you will, but I love this country I really, really love it, and what I love the most about it is that I am free to be gay, and Chick-Fil-A is free to disagree with me. I know that the Chick-Fil-A controversy is long dead, the reporters are done hashing it out, people, as people will, have long forgotten it. I have not though; I have not because I am slightly ashamed of the way it was handled. As a lesbian follower of Christ, I am ashamed of both sides. We say we are fighting for the same thing—the Love of Christ, and we show our love by picketing, shouting, and calling each other dirty names. Really? Could we not have left this behavior in grade school where it belongs? Although when I hear the way grade school children speak at times I think they have more pride than to stoop to what we have stooped to.

I wish that instead of picketing the LGBTQ community had massed at Chick-Fil-A all wearing shirts that said, I’m gay and I support Chick-Fil-A #freedomofspeech. Now that would have made a statement this country would never have forgotten. We want the right to publicly and legally marry, but we do not want the right for a CEO to say whatever the heck strikes his fancy? Am I the only one who sees the flaw in this logic? Whether we like it or not, we are a community, the internet has made distance in this country negotiable at best, and as a community we have to learn to get along. We cannot pick and choose our freedoms, either we are a free country, or we are not. Either we are free to choose our spouse, and free to say whatever we want to say or we have neither.

I support the LGBTQ community, obviously, I am part of it. I support freedom of speech, I exercise this right every day, and this is why I will continue my silent protest against the way people treat one another in the name of freedom, and eat at Chick-Fil-A. I might even order my t-shirt and wear it here one day.
I also support loving those who hate you. Recently, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church died, and although I do not know any of the details that surrounded his death, I heard one of his last requests was that no one would protest at his funeral. I assume that request was not honored, although later I heard that there would be no funeral at all. I wonder though what would happen if instead of picketing a dead man’s funeral if LGBTQ community, and frankly the Christian community who was horrified by the choices of this Church, flooded the church with condolences.

A man who was loved died. No matter what he did in his life, and what hate he perpetuated, there are people who deeply grieve his loss. I know what it feels like to lose someone who is loved; I also know what it feels like to be hated for loving someone, has not every gay person felt this at some point in their lives? Instead of returning hate with hate, perhaps we should return hate with love. Love always makes a more powerful statement than hate. We want our love to be accepted, whether gay, or Christian, perhaps it is time we start being known for our love rather than our hate.

Although I have stayed out of these controversies and avoided social media when they happen, I will not be doing this in the future. I will be seeking out ways to show love in these situations. I eat at Chick-Fil-A, not because I agree with what they believe, I do not have to, I agree with their rights to freedom of speech. I will be sending a card to the Westboro Church family, not because I agree with anything their leader did, but because I am truly sorry for their loss, death is hard no matter how old the person, or who they are death is death, and death hurts, these are small protests against hate, but I hear every great movement starts with a small protest.