Monday, July 30, 2012

Smashed Hearts

My brain is always writing, forming sentences, paragraphs and ideas, attempting to communicate to the world. Today, I had my head down on my computer, and slowly it dawned on me that I wasn’t breathing. I was holding my breath because this was the only way I could make the writing stop. At this point I decided it would be a good idea to actually write ongoing monologue down. I swear I have a disease.

The idea I couldn’t put to rest in my head was this, of all my friends who call themselves Christians, and I can only think of one friend who doesn’t, the majority of them cannot seem to see past themselves. Today, after perusing facebook I wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry. Literally. My heart ached so badly I wanted to scream. With the coming elections, and the Chick-Fill-A debacle one would think facebook has become a political board, plus I read recovering grace, which I must say never helps with the warm fuzzy feelings.

Can we even see one another? Are we so caught up in rights, legality of actions, and right and wrong, that we cannot even see the drowning people? If Christians were really following Christ, would it matter if abortion or gay marriage was legal? Jesus changed the heart of a man, Zacchaeus by simply going to his house, eating his food, drinking his wine, and loving him. I cannot find a place in the scripture where Christ actually reprimanded Zacchaeus in love. Would it matter if abortion were legal if there were no doctors willing to preform it, and no women who wanted to have it done, because of the Love of Christ? If gay marriage is really such an abomination to Christ would its legality matter if no one wanted it?

Christianity has put up such a fight for what is right and what is wrong, that they have run over the hearts of the very people they claim to be trying to save. Make what humans desire illegal, and they will simply find a way around the law, capture their hearts with love, and they will give up anything for that love. Have we forgotten that the law was instated that sin might abound? Has the love of Christ been lost? Has its power been forgotten? Where are the people weeping over lost-ness, as He did? All I see are angry mobs yelling, and fighting for what they want. To both sides of these debates, you look like children, you should be ashamed of yourselves. To the Christians you make me sick, literally nauseated by the way you treat the hearts of the people you claim to love, and that you want to ‘save.’

Christians I know who you are, you are holy, perfect, loved, perfectly able to love, sanctified, the very righteousness of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Stop acting like you are sinners, stop acting like you don’t know how to love, you are better than this. Go eat with someone you disagree with, drink wine with them, and show them who you really are, and watch while laws become un-needed.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Bandwagon

Facebook will show the world’s trends like nothing else, the current trend seems to be Chick-Fil-A and the anti-gay sentiment. Christians are getting angry because they feel like they are being unjustly told they are too judgmental, and gays and their supporters feel like yet again they are being stepped on in a country of “freedom.”

I hate jumping on the bandwagon of current trends, everyone arguing, no one listening, frankly I like to sit back and laugh at all those angry self-righteous people. However, I once again have reached the point where my words will threaten to rise up and strangle me if I don’t type them out. I have to say that I agree with neither, and both sides at the same time.

First off, I do not understand the argument over the word marriage, or the argument over “biblical family.” If Christians want biblical family, and if Christians think fighting in the political arena instead of fighting over the hearts of people, can get them what you want, why aren’t they fighting over divorce? If Christians would actually care to talk to the young people of America they would find,  young people’s hearts haven’t been wrecked by a “sex saturated” culture, or a place where gays are prevalent, their hearts have been wrecked by divorce, by the separation of their own parents. Biblical family, is just that, biblical, it no longer exists in this country, if someone wants to change that, they should start with their own marriages, and teaching their children about healthy relationships, instead of screaming about what they see as unhealthy while their marriages rot unnoticed.

Marriage. “MAR'RIAGE, n. [L.mas, maris.] The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them. Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity,and for securing the maintenance and education of children.” Websters 1828.

This word no longer speaks what Webster set down for it to speak. Marriage now means this.

Definition of MARRIAGE

1a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage> b: the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage

2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially: the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

3: an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry — J. T. Shawcross>

If this is all the word, marriage, means in today’s culture, I want nothing to do with it. I would give my own definition; Marriage is the joining of two people, a partnership, for the duration of their feelings of generosity, and attraction toward each other, after which it is terminated in a court of law. Christian marriage is the joining of two people of the opposite sex, the man to be the ruler, the wife to be submissive in all things, as long as their mutual feelings of generosity, and attraction last, where it can then be terminated in a court of law.

This is not the biblical definition of marriage, but words, like everything else, change with time. I will never “marry” I want nothing to do with the word, or its current idea. No matter how much Christians want marriage to mean what it did in 1828, their divorce rate reflects that they do not want it enough. I want a partnership, an equal, mutual lifelong commitment with someone, something that binds us stronger than law, and therefore cannot be terminated in a court of law. Would it be nice to have the perks that come along with a marriage license, yes, but I’m not going to fight for those perks, my partnership doesn’t have to be sanctioned by my government, and I do not need any handouts from my government to keep it afloat.

I do not think that the majority of Christians are judgmental; I simply think they are fighting in the wrong arena. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, if the Chick-Fil-A owner does not support gays, then he shouldn’t be afraid to stand up and say what he wants to say. I like him. I like people who say what they believe in and stick to it. Frankly, I have never felt more loved by the people who disagree with me, and still talk to me than I do now, and I KNOW they disagree they’ve made that clear.

Please, believe in something, please, stand up for what you believe in. Just remember this, this is a free country and I am entitled to believe the opposite of what you believe. I do not think Christians should try to get in the political arena, that is not where they belong. No-where in the New Testament does it call Christians to storm the government, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and render to God what is God’s” I believe is the only comment Christ makes on the matter.

Should they stand by idly while babies are being murdered, or their definition of the marriage bed is being defiled? Absolutely not, believe in something and stand up for what you believe in please. Christ spoke, not to the government, but to the people. Speak to the people, speak to their hearts, speak to the women, who don’t know what to do with the mistake they made that created a child, and speak to the people who you believe are wrong. Show them why they should want a marriage like yours; show them why they should want to protect it. Honestly, from where I sit Christians have nothing I want, nothing I envy, I am not destroying marriage, or family, they are doing that efficiently without my help.

To Mr. Chick-Fil-A, I respect you sir, I respect you for standing up for what you believe in. I respect that you close on Sunday’s I respect that you are willing to stand up when you believe in something. I respect your opinion that gay marriage is not biblical and should not be supported.

I respectfully disagree with you, but I still respect you, and your right to have an opinion. I love your food, I will continue eating your food, not because I agree with your political stance, but because you make a mean sandwich, and I’m pretty sure that chicken couldn’t care less that it’s being eaten by a gay person.

I wish there were more people like you. People who stand up for what they believe in, I’m sorry for all the hurt angry people who are throwing verbal tomatoes at you, as long as you refrain from throwing them back, you have my respect. Not that you care, not that this will ever even reach you, but here’s my voice to add to the mob, and if God actually wants it heard, it’ll be heard.

To the Christians, if you want us to respect you, if you want us to allow you to teach your children what you want, if you don’t want Church, homeschooling, and the amount of children you have to be regulated by the government, then don’t try to regulate us. If you want to be able to pray in public places, if you want law to respect your pickets, then respect our right to picket, and respect our right to pray in public places, even if it’s two gay chicks. If you want to be able to speak publicly and have Mr. Chick-Fil-A be allowed to believe whatever he wants, then we get the same right. From where I sit, Christians want freedom as long as it lines up with the bible, and at the expense of the hearts of the people they claim they want to save.

Christianity is losing this nation, not because of sex, gays, or anything else, Christianity has nothing this nation wants. Christ had something His nation wanted, perhaps Christianity should try following Him for a change, then they might see the nation following.